Special Challenge: Speech Recovery

Welcome to the Special Course on Speech Recovery! This course is designed to help you restore your speech through a series of exercises at home. While these exercises are a great way to strengthen your voice, they should not be the only method you rely on. It is also essential to seek medical and pharmaceutical treatment to recover your speech fully. This course consists of five sections: Breathing, Tongue, Lips, Articulation, and Voice. Each section contains five exercises to gently and gradually strengthen different parts of your vocal apparatus. The number of practices in each area will increase over time. To get the most out of this course, very important to follow the structure as closely as possible. For example, if you only have a little time to spare and want to focus on breathing, you can complete 1-3 cycles of the entire Breathing section, which includes all five exercises. It's essential to go at your own pace and not to push yourself too hard. It would be best if you took breaks whenever you needed to. If you want to work on all five areas of your voice apparatus, you can complete two exercises from each section, then repeat the process twice. Remember to pay attention to your energy levels and not overexert yourself. You can also spread the exercises over several days, focusing on one section daily. For a more intensive workout, you can complete the entire program, which consists of one minute of each exercise in each section, followed by a rest, then another cycle of the same practices. You can increase the intensity by increasing the number of minutes and cycles. It's essential to be patient with yourself as you work through this course. It may take some time to see progress, but you will eventually see improvement with consistent effort and a positive attitude. Remember to have fun and be grateful for the progress you are making. Taking care of your overall health and well-being as you work on your speech recovery is also essential.

A course of speech restoration at home.

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Coach in the pocket

Coach in the pocket

Challenge DaysChallenge Days

[F] Restore Breath

A great exercise for breathing restoration because an [F] creates a high pressure when exhaling.

[S] Restore Breath

This is an exercise to improve the way your muscles work.

[ʃ] Restore Breath

This exercise makes breathing, tongue and laryngeal muscles work better.

[H] Restore Breath

This exercise makes breathing, tongue root and laryngeal muscles work better.

[F-S-ʃ-H] Restore Breath

This exercise makes breathing, lip, tongue and laryngeal muscles work better.

Tongue Compass

Imagine that your tongue is the arrow of a compass with which you must point at all four sides of the world.

Ceiling Exercise

This exercise develops the mobility of the tip of your tongue and restores the movement of the whole muscle.

Working [TS] - #1

This exercise restores the mobility of your tongue and improves articulation.

Working [TS] - #2

This exercise restores the mobility of your tongue and improves articulation.

Working [TS] - #3

This exercise restores the mobility of your tongue and improves articulation.

Working w/ [I:]

Restores and develops the activity of your lips, especially the upper lip.

Working w/ [U]

This exercise restores and develops the activity of your lips, especially the upper lip.


This exercise restores and develops the activity of your lips.

Horse vs. Car

This exercise restores and develops lip activity.

Pump Exercise

This exercise restores and develops the activity of your facial muscles and articulation apparatus.

Working w/ [PTK]

This exercise develops articulation and makes the lips and tongue stronger.

Working w/ [BDG]

This exercise develops articulation and makes your lips and tongue stronger.

Work w/ [PTK]

This exercise improves the development of articulation and makes the lips and tongue stronger.

Work w/ [TPK]

This exercise improves the development of articulation and makes the lips and tongue stronger.

Work w/ [BDG]

This exercise improves the development of articulation and makes the lips and tongue stronger.

Work w/ [Ä] - #1

This exercise develops the activity of the diaphragm and vocal cords in the voice apparatus.

Work w/ [Ä] - #2

This exercise develops the activity of the diaphragm and vocal cords in the voice apparatus.

Work w/ [O] - #1

This exercise develops the activity of the diaphragm, vocal cords and tongue in the voice apparatus.

Work w/ [O] - #2

This exercise develops the activity of the diaphragm, vocal cords and tongue in the voice apparatus.

Work w/ [Ä-O-U] - #1

This exercise develops the activity of the diaphragm, vocal cords, lips and tongue in the voice apparatus.

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