Desafío especial: English Pronunciation

If you're like many people, you may feel self-conscious about your accent. You may worry that others will judge you or that you won't be able to be understood. But there's no need to let your accent hold you back! There are a number of ways to modify the way you speak in order to “lose” your original accent. With a little effort, you can learn to speak English more clearly and confidently. One way to work on your accent is to take this course of trainings specifically designed to help you change the way you speak. The program can be very effective in helping you learn the correct pronunciation of English words and phrases. You'll likely find that your speaking improves significantly after completing it. With a little bit of effort, you can learn to speak English clearly and confidently – so don't let your accent hold you back!

Accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent elimination, is a systematic approach to learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is learning a language’s sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation so the non-native speaker can communicate with clarity.

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Session 1. [æ] – Cat, bat, mat

Master the short [æ] vowel sound in English

Session 2. [Ɛ] – Get, bed, let

Master the short [Ɛ] vowel sound in English

Session 3. [ɪ] – Sit, skip, spin

Master the short [ɪ] vowel sound in English

Session 4. [ɑ] – Hot, top, clock

Master the short [ɑ] vowel sound in English

Session 5. [ʌ] – Rub, bluff, truck

Master the short [ʌ] vowel sound in English

Session 6. [ʊ] – Book, put, cook

Master the short [ʊ] vowel sound in English

Session 7. [eɪ] – Paid, tray, OK

Master the [eɪ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 8. [i] – He, she, we, be

Master the long [i] vowel sound in English

Session 9. [aɪ] – Pie, high, smile, try

Master the [aɪ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 10. [oʊ] – Toe, flow, go, slow

Master the [oʊ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 11. [u] – Moon, soon, bloom

Master the long [u] vowel sound in English

Session 12. [ɑr] – Car, bark, smart, star

Master the [ɑr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 13. [ɝ]-[ɜr]-[œr] – Her, Bird, Birth

Master the [ɝ]-[ɜr]-[œr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 14. [ɔr] – Cork, or, sword, north

Master the [ɔr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 15. [aʊ] – Doubt, house, clown, cow

Master the [aʊ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 16. [ɔɪ] – Boy, soy, joy, voice

Master the [ɔɪ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 17. [ɪr]-[iɚ] – Fear, veer, steer

Master the [ɪr]-[iɚ] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 18. [ɛr] – Hair, care, wear, compare

Master the [ɛr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 19. [ʊr] – Sure, allure, pure, cure

Master the [ʊr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 20. [ə] – Introduction to the Schwa

Master the unstressed [ə] vowel sound in English

Session 21. [ə] – Replacing Unstressed Vowels

Master the unstressed [ə] vowel sound in English

Session 22. [ə] – Exploring the Schwa

Master the unstressed [ə] vowel sound in English

Session 23. [p/pʰ] – Power, apparent, tap

Master the aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive [p/pʰ] consonant sound.

Session 24. [b] – Boom, trouble, numb, carob

Master the voiced bilabial plosive [b] consonant sound.

Session 25. [t/tʰ] – Tap, attack, cat

Master the aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive [tʰ] consonant sound.

Session 26. [d] – Dog, adorable, blinded

Master the voiced alveolar dental plosive [d] consonant sound.

Session 27. [k/kʰ] – Cap, accredited, crank

Master the aspirated voiceless velar plosive [kʰ] consonant sound.

Session 28. [ɡ] – Good, jogging, bag

Master the voiced velar plosive [ɡ] consonant sound.

Session 29. [pʰ/b] – Pet/bet, tap/tab

Master the difference between the aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive [p/pʰ] and the voiced bilabial plosive [b].

Session 30. [tʰ/d] – Tip/dip, cat/dad

Master the difference between the aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive [tʰ] and the voiced alveolar dental plosive [d].

Session 31. [kʰ/ɡ] – Cap/gap, tack/flag

Master the difference between the aspirated voiceless velar plosive [kʰ] and the voiced velar plosive [ɡ].

Session 32. [m] – Moon, yummy, flame

Master the voiced bilabial nasal [m] consonant sound.

Session 33. [n] – New, noodle, announce

Master the voiced alveolar nasal [n] consonant sound.

Session 34. [ŋ] – Greeting, driving, meeting

Master the voiced velar nasal [ŋ] consonant sound.

Session 35. [f] – Fan, afraid, laugh

Master the voiceless labiodental fricative [f] consonant sound.

Session 36. [θ] – Three, Athens, froth

Master the voiceless dental fricative [θ] consonant sound.

Session 37. [ð] – The, feather, scathe

Master the voiced dental fricative [ð] consonant sound.

Session 38. [s] – See, muscle, house

Master the voiceless alveolar sibilant [s] consonant sound.

Session 39. [z] – Zoo, razor, sunrise

Master the voiced alveolar sibilant [z] consonant sound.

Session 40. [ʃ] – Shape, lotion, brush

Master the voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ] consonant sound.

Session 41. [ʒ] – Beige, pleasure, casual

Master the voiced postalveolar fricative [ʒ] consonant sound.

Session 42. [h] – Hop, rehearse, hat

Master the voiceless glottal aspirate [h] consonant sound.

Session 43. [ʧ] – Children, ketchup, match

Master the voiceless postalveolar affricate [ʧ] consonant sound.

Session 44. [dʒ] – Jeans, badger, marriage

Master the voiced post-alveolar affricate [dʒ] consonant sound.

Session 45. [ʧ/dʒ] – Choice/joke, picture/pigeon

Master the difference between the voiceless postalveolar affricate [ʧ] the voiced post-alveolar affricate [dʒ].

Session 46.[w] – Wet, liquid, cow

Master the voiced labial–velar approximant [w] consonantal glide semivowel.

Session 47. [w/wʰ] – Want/nowhere, way/wheat

Master the subtle difference between the voiced labial–velar approximant [w] and the voiceless alveolar-glottal fricative [wʰ].

Session 48. [r/ɹ̠] – Rock, orange, care

Master the voiced postalveolar approximant [ɹ̠] consonant sound.

Session 49. [j] – Yes, player, joy

Master the voiced palatal approximant [j] consonant sound.

Session 50. [w-ɹ̠-j] – Wonder, rocky, yes

Master the differences between the voiced labial–velar approximant [w], the voiced postalveolar approximant [ɹ̠], and the voiced palatal approximant [j] sounds.

Session 51. [l] – Love, balloon, owl

Master the voiced alveolar lateral approximant [l] sound.

Session 52. [ks] – Box, rocks, locks

Master the [ks] consonant cluster.

Session 53. [kw] – Quiet, workweek, counterclockwise

Master the [kw] consonant cluster.

Session 54. Love Your Accent!

When your pronunciation accuracy score indicates that your pronunciation is close enough to perfect, it is time for this session!

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