Специальный челлендж: Англ. произношение

Как многие люди, вы можете стесняться своего акцента. Вы можете переживать, что другие осудят вас или что вас не поймут. Но нет необходимости позволять вашему акценту сдерживать вас! Есть несколько способов изменить то, как вы говорите, чтобы «потерять» ваш первоначальный акцент. Приложив немного усилий, вы сможете научиться говорить по-английски более четко и уверенно. Один из способов поработать над своим акцентом — пройти этот курс обучения, специально разработанный, чтобы помочь вам изменить манеру речи. Программа может быть очень эффективной, помогая вам выучить правильное произношение английских слов и фраз. Вы, вероятно, обнаружите, что ваша речь значительно улучшится после его завершения. Приложив немного усилий, вы сможете научиться говорить по-английски четко и уверенно, так что не позволяйте своему акценту сдерживать вас!

Уменьшение акцента, также известное как модификация акцента или устранение акцента, представляет собой систематический подход к изучению или принятию нового речевого акцента. Это изучение звуковой системы языка (или фонологии) и мелодической интонации, чтобы человек, для которого не является родным, мог ясно общаться.

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Смотри и повторяй

Смотри и повторяй

Тренируйся дома

Тренируйся дома

Доступная цена

Доступная цена

Тренер в кармане

Тренер в кармане

Программа челленджаПрограмма челленджа

Session 1. [æ] – Cat, bat, mat

Session 1. [æ] – Cat, bat, mat

Master the short [æ] vowel sound in English

Session 2. [Ɛ] – Get, bed, let

Session 2. [Ɛ] – Get, bed, let

Master the short [Ɛ] vowel sound in English

Session 3. [ɪ] – Sit, skip, spin

Session 3. [ɪ] – Sit, skip, spin

Master the short [ɪ] vowel sound in English

Session 4. [ɑ] – Hot, top, clock

Session 4. [ɑ] – Hot, top, clock

Master the short [ɑ] vowel sound in English

Session 5. [ʌ] – Rub, bluff, truck

Session 5. [ʌ] – Rub, bluff, truck

Master the short [ʌ] vowel sound in English

Session 6. [ʊ] – Book, put, cook

Session 6. [ʊ] – Book, put, cook

Master the short [ʊ] vowel sound in English

Session 7. [eɪ] – Paid, tray, OK

Session 7. [eɪ] – Paid, tray, OK

Master the [eɪ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 8. [i] – He, she, we, be

Session 8. [i] – He, she, we, be

Master the long [i] vowel sound in English

Session 9. [aɪ] – Pie, high, smile, try

Session 9. [aɪ] – Pie, high, smile, try

Master the [aɪ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 10. [oʊ] – Toe, flow, go, slow

Session 10. [oʊ] – Toe, flow, go, slow

Master the [oʊ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 11. [u] – Moon, soon, bloom

Session 11. [u] – Moon, soon, bloom

Master the long [u] vowel sound in English

Session 12. [ɑr] – Car, bark, smart, star

Session 12. [ɑr] – Car, bark, smart, star

Master the [ɑr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 13. [ɝ]-[ɜr]-[œr] –  Her, Bird, Birth

Session 13. [ɝ]-[ɜr]-[œr] – Her, Bird, Birth

Master the [ɝ]-[ɜr]-[œr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 14. [ɔr] – Cork, or, sword, north

Session 14. [ɔr] – Cork, or, sword, north

Master the [ɔr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 15. [aʊ] – Doubt, house, clown, cow

Session 15. [aʊ] – Doubt, house, clown, cow

Master the [aʊ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 16. [ɔɪ] – Boy, soy, joy, voice

Session 16. [ɔɪ] – Boy, soy, joy, voice

Master the [ɔɪ] diphthong vowel sound in English

Session 17. [ɪr]-[iɚ] – Fear, veer, steer

Session 17. [ɪr]-[iɚ] – Fear, veer, steer

Master the [ɪr]-[iɚ] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 18. [ɛr] – Hair, care, wear, compare

Session 18. [ɛr] – Hair, care, wear, compare

Master the [ɛr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 19. [ʊr] – Sure, allure, pure, cure

Session 19. [ʊr] – Sure, allure, pure, cure

Master the [ʊr] r-controlled vowel sound in English

Session 20. [ə] – Introduction to the Schwa

Session 20. [ə] – Introduction to the Schwa

Master the unstressed [ə] vowel sound in English

Session 21. [ə] – Replacing Unstressed Vowels

Session 21. [ə] – Replacing Unstressed Vowels

Master the unstressed [ə] vowel sound in English

Session 22. [ə] – Exploring the Schwa

Session 22. [ə] – Exploring the Schwa

Master the unstressed [ə] vowel sound in English

Session 23. [p/pʰ] – Power, apparent, tap

Session 23. [p/pʰ] – Power, apparent, tap

Master the aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive [p/pʰ] consonant sound.

Session 24. [b] – Boom, trouble, numb, carob

Session 24. [b] – Boom, trouble, numb, carob

Master the voiced bilabial plosive [b] consonant sound.

Session 25. [t/tʰ] – Tap, attack, cat

Session 25. [t/tʰ] – Tap, attack, cat

Master the aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive [tʰ] consonant sound.

Session 26. [d] – Dog, adorable, blinded

Session 26. [d] – Dog, adorable, blinded

Master the voiced alveolar dental plosive [d] consonant sound.

Session 27. [k/kʰ] – Cap, accredited, crank

Session 27. [k/kʰ] – Cap, accredited, crank

Master the aspirated voiceless velar plosive [kʰ] consonant sound.

Session 28. [ɡ] – Good, jogging, bag

Session 28. [ɡ] – Good, jogging, bag

Master the voiced velar plosive [ɡ] consonant sound.

Session 29. [pʰ/b] – Pet/bet, tap/tab

Session 29. [pʰ/b] – Pet/bet, tap/tab

Master the difference between the aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive [p/pʰ] and the voiced bilabial plosive [b].

Session 30. [tʰ/d] – Tip/dip, cat/dad

Session 30. [tʰ/d] – Tip/dip, cat/dad

Master the difference between the aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive [tʰ] and the voiced alveolar dental plosive [d].

Session 31. [kʰ/ɡ] – Cap/gap, tack/flag

Session 31. [kʰ/ɡ] – Cap/gap, tack/flag

Master the difference between the aspirated voiceless velar plosive [kʰ] and the voiced velar plosive [ɡ].

Session 32. [m] – Moon, yummy, flame

Session 32. [m] – Moon, yummy, flame

Master the voiced bilabial nasal [m] consonant sound.

Session 33. [n] – New, noodle, announce

Session 33. [n] – New, noodle, announce

Master the voiced alveolar nasal [n] consonant sound.

Session 34. [ŋ] – Greeting, driving, meeting

Session 34. [ŋ] – Greeting, driving, meeting

Master the voiced velar nasal [ŋ] consonant sound.

Session 35. [f] – Fan, afraid, laugh

Session 35. [f] – Fan, afraid, laugh

Master the voiceless labiodental fricative [f] consonant sound.

Session 36. [θ] – Three, Athens, froth

Session 36. [θ] – Three, Athens, froth

Master the voiceless dental fricative [θ] consonant sound.

Session 37. [ð] – The, feather, scathe

Session 37. [ð] – The, feather, scathe

Master the voiced dental fricative [ð] consonant sound.

Session 38. [s] – See, muscle, house

Session 38. [s] – See, muscle, house

Master the voiceless alveolar sibilant [s] consonant sound.

Session 39. [z] – Zoo, razor, sunrise

Session 39. [z] – Zoo, razor, sunrise

Master the voiced alveolar sibilant [z] consonant sound.

Session 40. [ʃ] – Shape, lotion, brush

Session 40. [ʃ] – Shape, lotion, brush

Master the voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ] consonant sound.

Session 41. [ʒ] – Beige, pleasure, casual

Session 41. [ʒ] – Beige, pleasure, casual

Master the voiced postalveolar fricative [ʒ] consonant sound.

Session 42. [h] – Hop, rehearse, hat

Session 42. [h] – Hop, rehearse, hat

Master the voiceless glottal aspirate [h] consonant sound.

Session 43. [ʧ] – Children, ketchup, match

Session 43. [ʧ] – Children, ketchup, match

Master the voiceless postalveolar affricate [ʧ] consonant sound.

Session 44. [dʒ] – Jeans, badger, marriage

Session 44. [dʒ] – Jeans, badger, marriage

Master the voiced post-alveolar affricate [dʒ] consonant sound.

Session 45. [ʧ/dʒ] – Choice/joke, picture/pigeon

Session 45. [ʧ/dʒ] – Choice/joke, picture/pigeon

Master the difference between the voiceless postalveolar affricate [ʧ] the voiced post-alveolar affricate [dʒ].

Session 46.[w] – Wet, liquid, cow

Session 46.[w] – Wet, liquid, cow

Master the voiced labial–velar approximant [w] consonantal glide semivowel.

Session 47. [w/wʰ] – Want/nowhere, way/wheat

Session 47. [w/wʰ] – Want/nowhere, way/wheat

Master the subtle difference between the voiced labial–velar approximant [w] and the voiceless alveolar-glottal fricative [wʰ].

Session 48. [r/ɹ̠] – Rock, orange, care

Session 48. [r/ɹ̠] – Rock, orange, care

Master the voiced postalveolar approximant [ɹ̠] consonant sound.

Session 49. [j] – Yes, player, joy

Session 49. [j] – Yes, player, joy

Master the voiced palatal approximant [j] consonant sound.

Session 50. [w-ɹ̠-j] – Wonder, rocky, yes

Session 50. [w-ɹ̠-j] – Wonder, rocky, yes

Master the differences between the voiced labial–velar approximant [w], the voiced postalveolar approximant [ɹ̠], and the voiced palatal approximant [j] sounds.

Session 51. [l] – Love, balloon, owl

Session 51. [l] – Love, balloon, owl

Master the voiced alveolar lateral approximant [l] sound.

Session 52. [ks] – Box, rocks, locks

Session 52. [ks] – Box, rocks, locks

Master the [ks] consonant cluster.

Session 53. [kw] – Quiet, workweek, counterclockwise

Session 53. [kw] – Quiet, workweek, counterclockwise

Master the [kw] consonant cluster.

Session 54. Love Your Accent!

Session 54. Love Your Accent!

When your pronunciation accuracy score indicates that your pronunciation is close enough to perfect, it is time for this session!

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